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How to Choose an Interior Designer

Moving anywhere means decorating and organizing a new home. Sometimes, fitting everything you own into that new space can be tough, and other times you may not have the time to figure it all out. When frustration over how to organize a new space hits, it might be a good idea to call in a […]

The Fine Art of Unpacking 101

You did it – the move is over. The Denver moving companies were narrowed down and the chosen residential moving company has unloaded all of your boxes. Hopefully, you properly labeled all of your boxes so they ended up in the proper place! Did you remember to take an inventory of all of your boxes […]

How to Move Your Hanging Clothes

There are two ways to move a closet full of clothes. You can remove everything from its respective hanger, and place both the clothes and the hangers in boxes. Or, you can simply move all hanging clothes with the hanger still attached. We recommend the later, since it takes up a lot less space, is […]

Three Squared Is Making Container Condos

Here on the Exodus Moving and Storage blog, we talk about a lot of different things related to housing, moving, and storage. But every once in a while, something pops up in the news that’s truly unique – like the Three Squared construction project that aims to turn shipping containers into condo units. Three Squared […]

7 Great Road Trip Games

If you’re moving to Fort Collins, you probably have a long trip ahead of you. You could listen to music or watch movies along the way, but why not add a road trip game or two into the mix? Road trip games are fun, kids love them – and even if you don’t have kids, […]

Moving Away From Elderly Parents

Watching your parents age isn’t an easy thing, but it’s easier to keep tabs on them as they age when you live in the same town. But what happens when you have to move for work or for another reason, and your parents don’t have any other relatives around? This isn’t an ideal situation, but […]

Family Moving Tips

Moving is a stressful time, no matter what stage of life you are in. But what if you are moving with kids? Relocating children and adolescence can be much more complex than moving adults taking its toll on their personal development and negatively affecting the dynamic of the family. At Exodus, we work together like […]