Great Ways to Make Your Outdated Bathroom Better

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Planning a move to the city that you’ve always wanted to live in is a great idea, and a great way to really take life by the reigns. But chances are that your dream city probably comes with small apartments. Small apartments can be great, though the one area of every small apartment that almost always needs work is the bathroom. If you’re considering moving into an apartment with a very small bathroom that needs work, you may have to get creative when it comes to redecorating.

Thankfully, we have some great bathroom decorating tips for you that won’t break the bank, won’t anger your landlord, and don’t require any major renovations. Sound good? Take a look at these great tips.

Go extra long. Is the bathroom ceiling super tall? Nothing looks more out of place (or dates a bathroom more) than a shower curtain that’s too short. You can buy extra long shower curtains, and hang these at a higher spot than a normal curtain. If you choose a clean color like white, you will immediately open up the space and trick the eye into thinking that your bathroom is much bigger than it actually is.

If you can’t find a longer curtain, you can also simply hang that shorter curtain lower by using chains and hooks — simply hang that curtain from a chain, and you’ve got a longer curtain instantly. Plus, chains can look clean and modern if you select the right ones (just attach the chains to shower curtain hooks).

Add more storage space. Small bathrooms tend to come with small medicine cabinets, and you may find that you don’t have enough space in that cramped cabinet for all of your things. You can hang shelves on the wall to hold some of your stuff, or you can purchase two large and thin cabinets, hang them next to each other, and create a much larger medicine cabinet space.

Change the lighting. Looking at dated lighting can also date your space. Surprisingly, changing bathroom lighting isn’t hard to do at all. Simply remove the older light, and replace it with something more modern for a better overall look.

Change the fixtures. Remove those old plastic bathroom sink fixtures, and replace it with something retro that you love. You can do the same thing when it comes to the fixtures inside of your bath or shower. Shower heads are simple enough to replace, and a professional plumber will only have to spend a few minutes replacing bath fixtures. Or, you can do this on your own if you know how to shut off the water supply properly.

Add some texture to the walls. Who says that you can’t put wallpaper in your bathroom? Go for something dramatic, and leave the rest of the spaces stainless and sparse for a great overall look that’s interesting and clean. Make sure you get proper wallpaper though, all that humidity could do a number to the wallpaper glue or the wallpaper itself.

Redo the caulking. Has the caulking in your bathroom seem better days? You can get down and dirty with a simple scraper and some new caulking. This project only takes a few hours, but you will see a world of difference.

Keeping It All Clean

The most important thing to remember when it comes to a small space is to keep it clean and uncluttered. Smaller bathrooms don’t have room for baskets and larger floor shelves, so try to keep things off of the floor and out of sight. A larger medicine cabinet will work wonders, and finding somewhere to put your towels will also help a great deal. If everything has a space and place, you can keep things clean and clutter-free.

Your Upcoming Move

Moving to a new place means a new change at decor, and that can be a lot of fun. If you haven’t booked a moving company yet, consider Exodus Moving and Storage. We can help you move anywhere you want to go, and we can also provide you with a completely free moving quote as soon as possible. Simply call our company today, and we will come out and give you a quote that we will stand behind. As Fort Collins movers, we know how hard it can be to pack up and move, and our job is to make the whole process a lot simpler for you!

Call us today, or find us on Facebook, and let us know what your small bathroom decorating ideas are.

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