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3 Things You Might Forget When Moving Long Distance

Moving is a hectic and crazy time. You have so much to think about and coordinate. First there’s the selection process – both the new house and community you are moving to and the Colorado moving company that will help you get your stuff there – and then comes the flood of activities essential to […]

How to Find a Playgroup

Moving to a new town means starting from scratch, and if you have a kid or two, that can mean finding a playgroup in your new area. How do you go about finding the right group for your kids, and where can you look? Here are some ways to find the perfect playgroup, so your […]

How to Clean Your Fireplace Area

Whether you’ve just moved into a home with a fireplace or whether you’re moving out of a home with a fireplace, you’ll have to clean this space before you use it (and after every season). Cleaning a fireplace isn’t hard to do, but you will need a few things to prepare for this cleaning chore. […]

How to Move Your Hanging Clothes

There are two ways to move a closet full of clothes. You can remove everything from its respective hanger, and place both the clothes and the hangers in boxes. Or, you can simply move all hanging clothes with the hanger still attached. We recommend the later, since it takes up a lot less space, is […]

Moving Away From Elderly Parents

Watching your parents age isn’t an easy thing, but it’s easier to keep tabs on them as they age when you live in the same town. But what happens when you have to move for work or for another reason, and your parents don’t have any other relatives around? This isn’t an ideal situation, but […]

How to Move Your Vegetable Garden

It takes a lot of time and energy to build an amazing vegetable garden. When you move, you’ll want to try and take as many plants with you as possible. While tricky, you can move the majority of your vegetable garden without much of a problem. Here’s how to move your veggies without losing all […]

Famous Colorado Outlaws

Since it’s always fun to take a stroll back through time, we thought we’d wrangle up some of Colorado’s famous (and infamous) outlaws. Colorado was part of the Wild West, and it’s easy to draft back in time when standing in some of this states wide-open spaces! If you’re moving to Fort Collins or anywhere […]

Moving Heavy Items to the Top Floor

Here’s a situation that you might be able to appreciate: you have a piano (or other massive item) that you now need to move to a fourth floor walkup. What can you do? Exodus Moving and Storage is here to help you! Take a look at the following tips (and then give us a call […]

How to Rent a Moving Truck

At Exodus Moving and Storage, we highly recommend hiring professional movers to ensure that your stuff gets where it needs to go safely. But, we also understand that sometimes you have to move items on a small scale, and that might require renting a moving truck or van of some sort. Since we want you […]

5 Moving Industry Secrets

Have you ever started to clean your house on a weekend morning, stopped, looked around, and thought: I wonder how the professionals get thing so clean! Well, those pros have secrets that you just don’t know about – secrets that you can’t know about, really, because you don’t work in the cleaning industry. Well, the […]