Office Moving Tips
There’s a lot that goes into moving a business from the actual packing to figuring out how to reconnect all of those devices once you do move. The best way to get through an office move is to hire a professional moving company to help you with the bulk of your furniture and equipment (after […]
Need Ideas? Just Move!
A recent study published in the ‘Journal of Experimental Psychology’ states that creativity and the physical act of walking are closely linked. As it turns out, the brain and the body must both be in harmony in order for a person’s creative juices to flow. Researchers recommend that anyone seeking to boost creativity go for […]
AMSA Certification
When it comes to taking care of employees, no one does it better than Exodus. We take pride in putting our workers on payroll in an industry where temporary “hired guns” are the norm. We believe that our customers’ ultimate satisfaction starts with our staff. For this reason, our hiring process is rigorous including background […]
Exodus Definition of Success
In the world today the term “success” gets thrown around often. And in general, the only thing consistent among each situation is that everyone has a different definition of what the word means. Some people measure success by financial standards. The amount of money in their bank, the value of all that they own, the […]