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The 10 Most Expensive Places to Live

As a full service Boulder moving company, we can help you move anywhere — even to one of the most expensive cities in the world. While the cost of living in these cities is pretty high, there might be some reasons why you’d want know how to plan a more there, and we can help. […]

The Strange Places that Google Earth Finds

Google Earth finds nearly every nook on the planet, and many of those places aren’t known to many people — if any people! The next time that you think your hometown is a bit odd, think about these places that show up on Google Earth! –The Davis Monthan Air Force Base: This abandoned base in […]

Ways to Retire On the Cheap

If you’re moving to Fort Collins in order to retire, you’ve picked a really good place to do it. Moving to Fort Collins means living in a great city that’s bursting with things to do. But, what if you haven’t saved up a ton of money for retirement? The first thing that you should know […]

How to Ship a Car Cross Country

Just the other day, Larry Brown asked us an interesting question. A colleague in the community and owner of one of the few honest auto mechanics in Denver, he wanted to know if Exodus Moving and Storage moves cars across the country. We were happy to answer, yes. As a truly full service moving […]