Need Ideas? Just Move!

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A recent study published in the ‘Journal of Experimental Psychology’ states that creativity and the physical act of walking are closely linked. As it turns out, the brain and the body must both be in harmony in order for a person’s creative juices to flow. Researchers recommend that anyone seeking to boost creativity go for a walk, jog, or perform some other kind of exercise. So, maybe taking a longer lunch break in order to get some fresh air isn’t such a bad thing after all.

In fact, you don’t have to feel guilty about not sitting at a desk for an entire day. There is such a thing as working while you are exercising – and that can mean anything from walking to going to the gym. Since most people don’t have the luxury of taking two hours to hit the gym every afternoon, there are still some activities that you can do mid-day to help boost creativity. Take a look at these quick activity tips.

1. Yoga: You don’t have to sign up for an expensive yoga membership to enjoy this activity. Just check out some videos on YouTube, grab a mat or piece of the floor, and start stretching.

2. Go For a Walk: Even if it’s cold outside, the fresh air that comes with going for a walk may be just what your brain needs. Step outside, bring your thoughts with you, and take in some air. By the time you get back, you will have a whole new perspective on your current work problem.

3. Hit the Gym: If you do have a gym in your building or nearby, spend 30 minutes lifting weights or running on the treadmill.

4. Throw a Frisbee Around: Gran a colleague or two and toss a Frisbee around outdoors. You can talk about work ideas as you toss the Frisbee back and forth.

5. Find a Ball and a Net: Simply running back and forth around a soccer field kicking field goals into an unmanned net is fun. Plus, you’ll be getting all of that great oxygen while thinking about whatever work problem you’re facing.

6. Hit Some Balls: Is there a batting cage near you? Why not spend your lunch hour hitting some balls? This is a great way to take out some aggression, and you can also work on your swing.

7. Watch a Little League Game: If you happen to see a game in progress while you are on your walk, sit in the sunshine and let your mind wander a bit.

Your Brain Is Not Full-Time

It’s not possible to put your brain to the test around the clock. You can’t expect to come up with mind-blowing ideas for new projects when your brain is simply exhausted, and nothing exhausts a brain faster than sitting at a desk staring at a computer all day long. Explain the benefits of taking an outdoor break to your boss, and try to leave your desk whenever you feel like you need some outside time to think. Since when did thinking and creative brainstorming time become unpaid time? Work goes hand-in-hand with being creative, and that can only happen if you give both your mind and body a break.

If you happen to work as a freelancer, you might want to consider moving from place to place throughout the day. You’ll get a completely different perspective on work when you’re in a library as compared to your own home desk. The trick is to mix it up, grab that fresh air when you can, and stop feeling guilty about not being chained to your phone or desk. Take it from the researchers mentioned above, it’s important to move!

Should you happen to need help moving physical items, well, that’s our territory! Call Exodus Moving and Storage today for moving services and for help getting your stuff where it needs to go. We will make sure to move your items with care, while you take care of moving your body!

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