Moving Sale Basics

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If the thought of moving stuff you barely use keeps you up at night, it might be time for a moving sale. Moving sales can provide you with some extra cash (and who couldn’t use that money right before a move?), and a great way to get rid of all those things that you don’t really want (like all of those bad holiday or wedding gifts!). Before you start putting things out on your front lawn, though, take a look at these moving sale basics.


1. Is the price really right? Have you ever been to a yard sale where an old box of linens is priced at more than $200? That price probably seems really outrageous, right? At the same time, you don’t want to price things too low because that would mean missing out on money. So, do your research to find out what the items you want to sell are really worth.


2. Consider having collectibles professionally appraised. If you have a lot of antiques or other collectibles, you may not want to sell those to just anyone. Think about heading to a local antique or collectible dealer, getting things appraised, and seeing if a buyer searching for specific items wants to purchase what you’re selling.


3. Clearly mark prices. There are few things more frustrating than picking up items at a yard sale that have no price. Mark each item with a price, and go ahead and bargain when you feel you need to.


4. Ask for help! You’re great, but let your friends and family members help you out with a moving sale! Moving sales are a lot of work, and you will need all of the help that you can get. Don’t go this one alone!


5. Organize things. Sometimes a yard full of stuff can be great fun to explore, but it makes it a lot simpler if you place similar items together. This way, your buyers can simply look through one section and move to the next – plus, you can direct a shopper to the right area quickly!


6. Read all about it! I’m always shocked when I drive past a massive moving sale just down the street. Who knew? If you spend some time advertising a few days before your sale (or a week or two), you’ll attract more people, and more people mean more money – yay!


7. Get some change! “Sorry! I don’t have any change!” that’s not what buyers want to hear! Most people don’t show up with correct change, and you really don’t want to be digging in your pockets to find a few cents here and there. So, do run to the bank before your sale and make sure that you have enough to go around!


8. Rise and shine! People that like to visit yard sales tend to get up early. So, make sure that you rise with the birds on the day of your sale – and watch out for people that arrive before your sale starts (yes, that will happen!).


9. What about the rest of it? At the end of the day, you will be left with some stuff that didn’t sell. When this happens, you have a few options. You can donate items to a local charity, or you can simply give stuff away. A lot of online sites like Craigs List offer a free section, and that’s a great place to let people know you have stuff that you want to toss.


10. Plan in advance. You don’t want to set up a moving sale a few days before you actually move. Otherwise, you will have a huge mess to clean up! Make sure that your sale happens a few weeks before your move – and you can even have two sales if you plan enough in advance!


A moving sale is a fabulous way to make some extra cash while also getting rid of things that you don’t need. While some people may view this type of sale as stressful, it is a great way to purge your home of things you want to get rid of well before your move. Plus, who couldn’t use that extra cash? You can buy things like new furniture, spend money on a great moving company, or buy a pizza for moving day (hey, you have to give your friends that help you move some kind of a reward, right?). When it comes to moving long distance, moving next-door, or just moving upstairs, call your Fort Collins moving company experts – we’re here to make your move smooth!

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