Should You Reconnect With Those Old Friends?

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It’s not unusual for people to move back to an old hometown or a previous hometown after being away for a long time. If you’re in the situation, you might be thinking about old friends that still live in that town. Should you reconnect with them? Is it a good idea to try and strike up a relationship once again? As it turns out, there are some very good reasons to reconnect with old friends in person (and not just on Facebook)!

  • Reminiscing is good for the soul: Remembering old memories, fun days, and things from the past that you once loved is really good for you. Once in a while, it’s fun to take a trip or two down memory lane to see what you may not remember, or what you might miss from those old days. Who knows, you may even be reminded of a hobby that you used to like, and you can take up that hobby once again.
  • You’ll get to compare the person that you were back then with the person that you are now. Hopefully, you’ve grown in a positive direction, but simply talking about the person that you once were will let you compare your past and future selves. You never know, you may want to adopt some of those older traits, or simply look back to a time when you were strong and happy, if you aren’t now.
  • You may find a relationship that you were greatly missing, and you may turn an old friend into a new one. Sometimes, people grow in different directions and have nothing in common at a later time in life. Other times, those same people reconnect, and find that they still have a strong bond, and that they really did miss each other. Maybe you’re missing out on a good friend, and you don’t even know it.
  • You now have the time to make the decision whether or not you want to be friends with that person once again. There’s a good chance that you didn’t actually make this choice way back when. Typically, people grow apart due to geography or other reasons, and often it’s not a choice to move away from a friend. Now, you have the time to really try to reconnect, and to see whether or not that relationship is worth keeping.
  • You can never have too many friends. It’s true, it’s harder to make friends when you become an adult for various reasons. But true friends, friends that really know you, are hard to come by. If you do reconnect with an old friend, you may find that you now have a very good friend to share things with, laugh with, and to help round out your current life. You can really never have too many great friends.
  • You may just have a few laughs. Even if you decide that rekindling a relationship isn’t going to happen, you can still sit back and have a few laughs with an old friend. What’s the harm in doing that? Not much, right? So, go ahead and make that phone call!

Getting the Nerve

If you’re already friends with someone on a site like Facebook, you can simply send them a note to set up a meeting time and place. If you haven’t already connect with them online, simply look up a phone number, and give someone a call. The very worst that can happen is that person doesn’t want to reconnect with you, but there’s a good chance that they do want to reconnect. Now, all you have to do is get to your old hometown!

Moving Back With Exodus

We get it — finding movers in Fort Collins that you can rely on is not easy to do. We also understand that you have a budget to respect, which is why we are more than happy to provide you with a completely free moving estimate that we will stand by no matter what. Whether you’re moving to Denver or anywhere else in the world, Exodus Moving and Storage will help you, and your stuff, get to where you are going easily and without any stress. Call us today for that free estimate!

If you’re debating whether or not to make the move to reach out to an old friend, take out advice and go for it. Have you ever connect with an old friend? How did that work out? Let us know by leaving a note on this blog, or by connect with us on our Facebook page.

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