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Interviewer: Welcome, Norma! We’re thrilled to have you here. Let’s dive right in. What’s your name and your role at Exodus Moving & Storage?
Norma Perez: Hi there! I’m Norma Perez, and I’m the Marketing & Sales Manager and Move Consultant at Exodus Moving & Storage.

Interviewer: Fantastic! Can you share a bit about your professional background and what brought you to Exodus Moving & Storage?
Norma Perez: Absolutely. My career spans over two decades, and I’ve worn many hats! I started as a Case Manager for the Department of Human Services, where I spent over 15 years supporting individuals and families. I then worked as a Victim’s Advocate for the Greeley Police Department and as a Parent Educator for C.A.R.E. (Child Advocacy Resource & Education). I also directed a diaper ministry through my church. My journey led me to Exodus Moving & Storage in 2022 as a Project Manager. I transitioned to Marketing & Sales in July 2023, and it’s been an incredible journey ever since!

Interviewer: Wow, that’s impressive! Where are you from originally, and what brought you to Colorado?
Norma Perez: I’m a proud native of Northern Colorado and currently live in Johnstown with my husband, Oscar. We’ve been here since 2021 and love it. We have a blended family with four sons, two daughters, seven grandchildren, and another on the way. Plus, we have three adorable fur babies that complete our household.

Interviewer: That sounds like a full house! What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Any hobbies or interests?
Norma Perez: I love traveling, going on road trips, antique shopping, and hiking. But most importantly, I cherish spending quality time with my family, especially my husband and grandchildren.

Interviewer: Family time is the best! Can you tell us a bit more about your family and how you engage with the local community?
Norma Perez: As an Air Force veteran, my husband and I are passionate about participating in community events that honor veterans. We also support our friends in the small business community by attending their events, enjoying their homemade treats, and helping out with their fundraisers.

Interviewer: That’s wonderful! What’s your favorite part about working at Exodus Moving & Storage?
Norma Perez: The relationships I’ve built are by far the most rewarding aspect. The connections I’ve made go beyond professional boundaries and have become like family to me. It adds a deeply fulfilling dimension to my work.

Interviewer: That’s heartwarming to hear. Can you share a memorable project or experience you’ve had while working here?
Norma Perez: One of my favorite memories is volunteering at the Slammin Famine event with my professional sisters. We assembled nutritious meals for malnourished children around the world. It was heartwarming and empowering, and we had a blast wearing hairnets, looking like school lunch ladies from our youth!

Interviewer: What a fantastic experience! Do you have a personal philosophy or motto that you live by?
Norma Perez: Yes, my motto is: “Never judge anyone by their worst day…because we all have them!”

Interviewer: That’s a great motto to live by. Do you have a unique skill or talent you’d like to share?
Norma Perez: While I don’t have a specific unique skill or talent, I pour my heart into my work and my community.

Interviewer: Passion is definitely a talent! What’s your favorite local spot in Colorado?
Norma Perez: I’m a ride-or-die Denver Broncos fan! Born and raised in Colorado, supporting the Broncos is in my blood.

Interviewer: Go Broncos! What are your professional goals and aspirations for the future?
Norma Perez: I want to continue doing what I love while empowering and connecting with women of all ages. My goal is to inspire them to recognize their worth and never settle for less than they deserve.

Interviewer: That’s inspiring! Lastly, how can clients or colleagues get in touch with you?
Norma Perez: You can reach me at or call me at 970-518-2542. I’d love to connect!

Interviewer: Thank you so much for sharing your story, Norma! It’s been a pleasure getting to know you better.
Norma Perez: Thank you! It’s been great talking with you.

Exodus Moving & Storage Perez Interview